Telegram founder Pavel Durov said Monday that the company is now profitable. Durov said the chat app's total revenue ...
Charges against the CEO of Telegram mark one of the few instances where the head of a major internet platform has been charged over alleged criminal failure to moderate what users do on its site.
Telegram's 2024 revenue surpassed $1 billion, and the company has $500 million in cash, excluding crypto, Pavel Durov wrote ...
Elon Musk has praised Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov after the messaging app achieved its first-ever profitable year. Durov ...
Telegram is known for being minimally moderated and hosting toxic material. Therefore, sceptics have been questioning how the ...
Telegram has achieved its first profitable year, generating over $1 billion in revenue in 2024, co-founder and CEO Pavel ...
The founder and chief executive of the Telegram encrypted messaging app Pavel Durov said on Monday that the platform had ...
Telegram removes more than 15 million illicit groups using AI in a bid to remove illegal content, CSAM, and terrorism.
For the first time since its launch, Telegram is turning a profit. Pavel Durov, the app’s elusive founder and CEO, announced ...
Telegram, the private messaging app with almost a billion users but often under fire for its relaxed content moderation policy, turned a profit for the first time this year, its founder and CEO Pavel ...
Telegram, the global messaging app popular for its privacy and lack of moderation, is poised for its first profitable year ...
Telegram hits the $1B revenue milestone with 950M users while tackling legal battles and cracking down on harmful content ...