It may be nearly 40 years old, but the Atari 5200 still inspires legions of fans to relive the 8-bit glory days of their youth. There was much to love about the game console, but the joystick-and ...
This unreleased, unfinished Atari 5200 game is similar to Broderbund's famous game, Karateka. Select your black belt level (difficulty level) and fight your way through eight rooms. The keypad is ...
Frenzy, the sequel to Berserk, is another new title. Bounty Bob Strikes Back! was originally an Atari 5200 game, but Atari has ported it to the 7800+ platform. Atari also relaunched the 400 as a ...
the Atari 5200, featured full number pad as well. So if it isn’t clear to you yet, this is a dedicated console for Atari’s own games. We already expect some gamers to be complaining about what ...