Why do cats sneeze? Like humans, there are several likely causes for releasing air explosively from the nose and mouth.
According to the veterinary charity Blue Cross, the upper respiratory tract infections that are commonly called cat flu are ...
These are also signs of upper respiratory disease in cats caused by herpesvirus-1 or feline calicivirus. However, such symptoms tend to improve after about two weeks in cats with these viruses.
We call them URIs or upper respiratory infections. While the common cold is typically not a big deal to humans, for very ...
Feline viral rhinotracheitis and feline calicivirus, just to name the core vaccines. After that, every vaccine program should be tailor made for your cat. Some enemies are a little bit more ...
A complete history obtained at the start of the study indicated that the cat was vaccinated against feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia and chlamydia (Felocell CVR-C) and rabies ...