A mysterious island appeared in the Caspian Sea in 2023 due to a mud volcano eruption and vanished by the following year, ...
The five countries that border the Caspian Sea are fighting over the body of water's future. If it keeps losing water at the ...
The Caspian Sea, sometimes called the world’s biggest lake, lies between Europe and Asia. Bounded by Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Iran and COP29 hosts Azerbaijan, the sea is shrinking.
The inflow is good news for the Caspian Sea, which scientists say is shrinking year by year. The Zhaiyk River flow is largely determined by water released from the Iriklinsky reservoir in Russia.
They were built to be close to the water of the Caspian Sea. Now the ground beneath ... But the whole sea is shrinking, and on this sliver of land in the Absheron national park, the shoreline ...
The Caspian Sea, sometimes called the world’s biggest lake, lies between Europe and Asia. Bounded by Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Iran and COP29 hosts Azerbaijan, the sea is shrinking. And ...