Circus’ elite traveling clown corps might be slightly higher than ... Mike, a Virginian whose head is shaved bald except for his blond mohawk, says Ringling is a dream gig for anyone who dons ...
But DeDera, 43, just rolls with it. After nearly 18 years working as a clown at Circus Circus, and 25 years in the circus business, DeDera's been there, done that. He's made people laugh ...
Lots of people are creeped out at the site of clown, whether it's at the circus or creeping around in the woods at night. Movies like Stephen King's "It" and the new season of "American Horror ...
Marching in the Big Top: A quick march, with shoulders back and head held high ... Slapstick mime routine using physical comedy. Clown circus skills: Juggling on a unicycle and walking the ...