Like the logo, a trademark can be a combination of color, typestyle and shape, or it can be just shape and color, like McDonald's golden arches. There is also a legal side to the term "trademark." ...
UD trademarks and logos may not be used in any way that discriminates or implies discrimination against any persons or groups based on age, race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national or ethnic ...
To be eligible for trademark registration, a color must have acquired distinctiveness and must not be functional. Recently, ...
Colors are generally permitted as source identifiers for trademarks or trade dress because they are typically perceived as an ornamental feature of a good or service (e.g. Louboutin’s red soles ...
A recognizable graphic design element, often including a name, symbol or trademark ... you need a logo. Featuring your company name, embellished with a little color and perhaps a few graphic ...