J an. 29—In January, water held behind massive dams on the Klamath River began to be released in preparation for dam removal. The river has been reconnected where the Copco 1. reservoir once was ...
Bransom, seen right at the 144-ft-high Copco 1 dam ... removal of four dams, built between 1903 and 1962 and reaching 425 ft in height, across 35 miles of the Klamath River in Oregon and California.
Klamath Chairman William Ray said his tribe had fished the last salmon out of the river in the early 20th century after the first of the dams, Copco I, stopped fish from coming upstream to spawn.
For the first time in more than a century, salmon will soon have free passage along the Klamath ... of two dams that were ...
Ongoing efforts to revegetate areas along the Klamath River in the former John C. Boyle dam’s “footprint” were among items ...
The largest dam removal in US history has led to the return and restoration of salmon for the first time in over a century.  ...
After more than 100 years of being blocked by a series of dams, the Klamath River finally ran free. And it began to heal. “Our áama, ancestral companions, can now return to over 400 miles of ...
In recent decades, the climate crisis has turned up the dial, deepening droughts and fueling a rise in catastrophic fire as ...
blamed the dam removal project—in which four hydroelectric dams on Klamath River, which runs through California and Oregon, were deactivated and demolished—for causing water shortages and ...
affecting four massive hydroelectric dams on the lower Klamath River along the Oregon-California border. Flaccus had spent nearly a week reporting from the area in early March, including meeting with ...