Comedian Nikki Glaser, who stole the show at Netflix's "The Roast of Tom Brady" last year, made history as the first woman to host the Golden Globes solo. Glaser also had the chance to go home an ...
Here's what you need to know about the 82nd annual Golden Globe Awards, including how to watch, stream and follow along live with Sunday's happenings from the show ... For the full list of ...
Comedian Nikki Glaser is taking on hosting duties for this year's Golden Globes — the first woman to host it solo in the show's history. Glaser called the opportunity "scary" but "thrilling ...
Golden Globe Awards were held in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hilton on Sunday, Jan. 5. PEOPLE covered things live throughout the night from the red carpet and inside the show.
Hollywood’s party of the year, the Golden Globes, are officially over for 2025. Held at the Beverly Hilton on Sunday, Jan. 5, host Nikki Glaser l ed the awards show that celebrates both film and ...