While humanizing the perpetrators of the Holocaust has long been considered taboo, the 20 portraits in Richard Evans's new ...
Brown’s little-known acquisition of Hitler’s personal library and the debate over what these books can or cannot reveal.
Berlin was completely surrounded by 23 April. Nazi forces were vastly outnumbered and outgunned, and could do nothing but slow the Soviet advance. On 30 April 1945, Hitler killed himself ...
One of the works attributed to the former German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler Three watercolour paintings attributed to the former German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler are being auctioned in Berlin.
Hitler’s death and supposed escape has captivated millions of people for decades. April 1945 30th. So, what is fact? What is fantasy? Why do people believe this story in the light of the facts?
"Time" has chosen the most influential person of the year, whether that is a person who did good or bad, since 1927.
London correspondents concluded that open war was on between Hitler and the Wehrmacht Prussians and that the Gestapo’s Himmler was extending his control to the army. An official Berlin ...
BERLIN, Oct. 12, 1931 (UP) - The arrest and prosecution of Adolf Hitler and other militant leaders of the newly united "nationalist opposition" of Germany, on charges of high treason was demanded ...
In an effort to weaken his position, they formed an alliance with a socialist group while Hitler was in Berlin visiting other nationalist parties. It backfired spectacularly. Hitler promptly ...