Introduction to a programming language (Java, C++, C), AND Introduction to Software Engineering — Topics covered should include exposure to concepts that will be further explored in Software ...
Graduates from the Software Engineering program are expected to attain or achieve the following Program Educational Objectives within a few years of graduation: Develop in their chosen profession ...
Week 1: Introduction to software engineering and the software life cycle; top-down vs. bottom-up design; basic data types, operations and expressions. Week 2: general program structure, include files; ...
COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Russ Joseph(Fall), Prof. Hai Zhou (Winter) COURSE GOALS: To provide an introduction to computer engineering concepts, both hardware and software, with emphasis placed on ...
The UTSA Department of Computer Science is launching a new B.S. in Software Engineering this spring to address workforce needs regionally and across the nation. The novel program will provide students ...
Get real-world coding experience and hands-on project work with ARM-based Microcontrollers in this online engineering course. You will learn how to implement software configuration management and ...
Software engineering encompasses the design and development of software using principles of computer science, mathematics and engineering. In addition to exploring the technical aspects of ...