Why practice tithing if Jesus didn't, are you a Levite ? — Pastor Abel Damina qu ...
It’s hard to live faithfully in a dark world. The temptations are strong, the darkness is really dark, and hope sometimes seems blurry. But amid this dark world, Paul shows ...
In this darkness, a single lit candle enters the room. It represents Jesus. We remember that he came to bring light to the world, and then called his followers to let his light shine through them.
Reflecting on the Prologue of John’s Gospel, the Pope reminded the faithful that Jesus, the Word Incarnate, is ‘the light ...
On a Manresa retreat one summer, Jesuit Father Richard Buhler used an image that has resonated with me for years.
These magi were in all likelihood astrologers who tried to read the heavens to understand the events of the day. The light in ...