Why practice tithing if Jesus didn't, are you a Levite ? — Pastor Abel Damina qu ...
In this gospel, the Jews cannot know because they are from the darkness; Jesus and his followers are from the light: "You are from below, I am from above; you are of this cosmos, I am not of this ...
I want to share some thoughts on light and darkness as we start the new year, that’s mentioned here in 1 John 1:5. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:6 let the “Light shall shine ou ...
In this darkness, a single lit candle enters the room. It represents Jesus. We remember that he came to bring light to the world, and then called his followers to let his light shine through them.
On a Manresa retreat one summer, Jesuit Father Richard Buhler used an image that has resonated with me for years.
A veil of darkness that covered the earth for many years will be removed in our lifetimes and we will be amazed. Prophets ...
A new guest commentary from Adam Hamilton, senior pastor of Kansas City’s United Methodist Church of the Resurrection. | Opinion ...