Renowned actor Kabir Bedi shared the tragic loss of his son, Siddharth, who battled schizophrenia. Siddharth, a brilliant ...
Despite his success, this actor went through the heartbreaking loss of his 26-year-old son, who tragically passed away due to ...
Kabir Bedi and Praveen Babi's breakup made many headlines back in the day and finally, the actor has opened up on what exactly happened. Praveen Babi was one of the biggest actors of her time and ...
Kabir later married British fashion designer Susan Humphreys, with whom he has a son, Adam Bedi, followed by a marriage to TV presenter Nikki Bedi. In 2016, he tied the knot with Parveen Dusanj.
Kabir Bedi, the renowned actor ... ki koshish kariye kya beeti hogi mujhmein (I have written a chapter in my book about the final months of Siddharth. It is a story of a father trying to stop ...