"Mufasa: The Lion King" is directed by Barry Jenkins and serves as both a prequel and sequel to 2019's "The Lion King," a ...
Disney and Vevo have released the full clip of 'I Always Wanted a Brother,' one of the new songs written by Lin-Manuel ...
The Lion King' is in theaters now. Here's when we can expect 'The Lion King' prequel to be streaming on Disney+.
Disney and Vevo have released the full clip of 'I Always Wanted a Brother,' one of the new songs written by Lin-Manuel Miranda for Mufasa: The Lion King. The song, performed by a young Mufasa and ...
The Lion King," out Dec. 20, debuted exclusively on "Good Morning America" Friday. In the new clip, Aaron Pierre's Mufasa and Tiffany Boone's Sarabi sing "Tell Me It's You" in a setting filled ...