Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Legendary Battle is an American superhero film serving as an extended-cut version of the two final episodes from Power Rangers Super Megaforce, namely "The Wrath ...
Digital Eclipse will release physical editions of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind for PlayStation 5 and Switch on May 30, the developer announced. Pre-orders are available now ...
The MCU is getting a power upgrade, and its embrace of the multiverse concept has opened things up for even more powerful Marvel heroes to show up. DC Studios is hogging a lot of the media ...
Recent MCU additions have had to navigate a changing ... The world will never meet the Green Ranger after 2017's Power ...
What if… the MCU had a baby with Godzilla and the Power Rangers? I have no idea how that would work genetically speaking, but the offspring would probably look a ...
There’s no telling exactly where or when we’ll be seeing Kahhori in a post-What If…? world, but it would be a big surprise if this is the last time she’s featured in the MCU.