The JSC announced in late October that it was investigating prominent judge Ken Manda for corruption, and the Malawi Human Rights Commission also said it would begin a public inquiry into judicial ...
Th e Judicial Service Commission (JSC) says it has received 26 complaints on allegations of corruption involving High Court ...
When tens of other high profile officials including the vice-president were named in a corruption scandal, the president dismissed several of the named officials. Under Malawi law the president ...
Malawi police on Monday arrested the country's ex-finance minister Joseph Mwanamveka and four other former government officials for allegedly embezzling the equivalent of around $250 million at two ...
Malawi's Vice-President Saulos Chilima has been arrested on allegations that he accepted money in exchange for awarding government contracts, the country's anti-corruption agency says. He is ...
Giant alcoholic beverages producer, Castel Malawi commemorated International Anti-Corruption Day on Monday with a vibrant 'Employee Day' event held at its head office in Ndirande Makata Industrial ...
Giant alcoholic beverages producer, Castel Malawi commemorated International Anti-Corruption Day on Monday with a vibrant ‘Employee Day’ event held at its head office in Ndirande Makata ...