The JSC announced in late October that it was investigating prominent judge Ken Manda for corruption, and the Malawi Human Rights Commission also said it would begin a public inquiry into judicial ...
Th e Judicial Service Commission (JSC) says it has received 26 complaints on allegations of corruption involving High Court ...
When tens of other high profile officials including the vice-president were named in a corruption scandal, the president dismissed several of the named officials. Under Malawi law the president ...
Malawi police on Monday arrested the country's ex-finance minister Joseph Mwanamveka and four other former government officials for allegedly embezzling the equivalent of around $250 million at two ...
Malawi's Vice-President Saulos Chilima has been arrested on allegations that he accepted money in exchange for awarding government contracts, the country's anti-corruption agency says. He is ...
Giant alcoholic beverages producer, Castel Malawi commemorated International Anti-Corruption Day on Monday with a vibrant 'Employee Day' event held at its head office in Ndirande Makata Industrial ...
A new policy brief from the Mwapata Institute shows that while plantation forestry contributes to Malawi’s economic growth through revenue generation, job creation, foreign exchange earnings from ...
Giant alcoholic beverages producer, Castel Malawi commemorated International Anti-Corruption Day on Monday with a vibrant ‘Employee Day’ event held at its head office in Ndirande Makata ...