Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at www ...
PREVIOUS work in inorganic solute movement in plants has suggested that the minerals follow a specific polar path from the roots which absorb them to the leaves in which they are deposited 1,2.
But in the summer of 1863, Charles Darwin lay ill in bed, with nothing to do but watch his plants so closely that he could ...
Plant vacuoles are fluid-filled organelles bound ... This is the basis for the opening and closing of a stoma, known as stomatal movement, which controls gas exchange necessary for photosynthesis ...
Scientists studying the plants called the seed squirting “one of the most rapid movements documented in the plant kingdom.” By spreading the seeds farther away, the new plants are less likely ...
The research found that soils with more macropores facilitated easier water movement, which is especially beneficial for wetland environments. Lumeng Xie, principal author and a visiting Ph.D ...
Temperature Increase Increases molecular movement so that: more water molecules evaporate from cell surfaces and the rate of diffusion of water molecules from the leaf is increased Humidity ...
Osmosis refers to the movement of water molecules only ... Fully turgid cells support the stems of non-woody plants. In a very concentrated solution, the cell undergoes full plasmolysis as ...