A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a persistent connection between the aorta and the pulmonary artery resulting in left to right shunting. This connection is supposed to close shortly after birth ...
The following is a summary of “Changes in Patent Ductus Arteriosus Management and Outcomes in Infants Born at 26 to 28 Weeks’ ...
Accurate diagnosis of a PDA requires echocardiography. Echocardiography together with Doppler and color Doppler allows assessment of patency, diameter of the DA (using color Doppler), and ...
or related medical conditions.” The PDA included an abortion exclusion to ensure that no employer would be required “to pay for health insurance benefits for abortion, except where the life of ...
This article presents common misconceptions about the physiologic significance of early ductal shunting and reviews the evidence regarding the preferential use of echocardiography rather than ...