Percutaneous drainage is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat abdominal and pelvic abscesses, which are collections of pus that can occur due to infections or other medical conditions.
The technology and expertise needed to perform percutaneous abscess drainage are widely available and readily adapted for use in the pediatric population. Catheter insertion procedures include the ...
These results, obtainable without the risks of surgery, indicate that patients with renal or perinephric abscesses should be offered a trial of percutaneous drainage as a definitive method of therapy.
A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing splenectomy and percutaneous drainage for splenic abscesses found that while splenectomy has been the standard treatment, percutaneous drainage may ...
A percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram (per-kew-tay ... This can cause an infection in your abdomen (peritonitis) or an abscess. If you don’t have a drain, your doctor might put one in until the ...