Many of Grady Hendrix's books remix ... After writing this book, I'm fascinated by it. If someone wants to tell me their birth story, I am all in, with a bowl of popcorn because I'm going to ...
Grady Hendrix doesn’t do boring. Maybe it’s a symptom of some undiscovered disease, maybe it’s encoded in his DNA. He is absolutely allergic to it. His books flicker with electricity.
Childbirth is a beautiful thing — bringing life into the world, and all that — but it’s also scary as heck and pretty gross.
When Grady Hendrix announced ... a librarian who lends her a book about witchcraft. Before long, all hell breaks loose. Despite the escapist nature of the genre Hendrix commonly works in, he ...
Grady Hendrix's latest novel ... what is the evil in this book? These teenage girls put into these positions to make these impossible decisions without all the information, without any real ...
You can’t use the word ‘bewitching’ too many times when extolling the delicious vices and virtues of bestselling US author Grady Hendrix ... s power in a book... and Hendrix grabs that ...