Bhramari Pranayama, also known as the Humming Bee Breath, offers numerous health benefits by boosting immunity, balancing ...
Breathing yoga, with its calming nature, can be a soothing addition to your routine. May your practice bring you peace and ...
In Sanskrit, pranayama means breath work or the manipulation of the breath. This manipulation can be as simple as linking the breath with the poses, moving with the inhale and the exhale ...
Let's explore an ancient, simple, yet profoundly effective method for recharging our energy: breathing techniques or pranayama. "Pranayama, at its core, is the regulation of breath," says Eliza ...
Nadi Shodhan Pranayama involves inhaling from one nostril and exhaling through the other. This asana regulates proper oxygen supply and is a great asana to relieve asthma. The Butterfly Pose ...
Consistent practice of yoga postures and pranayama increases the lung's airflow, air capacity, stamina and efficiency. Back bending postures open the chest, improving both lung and heart functions.
A four-day free Pranayama Therapy Workshop has been organised from Jan. 8 to 12 at Chandramouleshwara Temple near Matrumandali in Vontikoppal. Yoghacharya Dr. Devaki Madhav will deliver lecture on ...
Bhramari Pranayama, also known as the Humming Bee Breath, offers numerous health benefits by boosting immunity, balancing hormones, and enhancing brain function. The practice involves sitting ...