Throughout the world, Jews pray that God should guide the government in its work. Despite their variations, all popular versions of the prayer share a persistent and increasingly odd feature: ...
Work out at the gym more. Consume less alcohol. Drink more water. Start a class or hobby. Plan a big trip. But what about starting over in this new year helping our souls get into shape, and become ...
Prayer so that workers of peace and dialogue may arise. Roll of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham: Abraham fathered Isaac, Isaac fathered Jacob, Jacob fathered Judah and his ...
As has been noted elsewhere, Shlomo Tal originally sought to produce Rinat Yisrael based on nusach Sfard so as to unite people who had different traditions, but he found himself ultimately also produc ...
Memorial of Mary of Clopas who stood near the cross of the Lord with the other women. Prayer for all women in every part of the world who follow the Lord in difficulties and with courage. We remember ...