The initial idea for the Question originated with Steve Ditko, who created the character for Charlton Comics. Charlton paid less than Marvel or DC, but afforded its creators a greater degree of ...
If you like to ponder philosophical questions while laughing out loud, the comic series “Bonus Context” cannot be missed.
World domination is progressing nicely, thank you for asking. Now, let's dive into this week's comic preview: Question: All Along The Watchtower #3, hitting stores on Wednesday, January 15th.
my favorite DC Comics character. To say I’m thrilled would be an understatement. The Denny O’Neil/Denys Cowan run on The Question, along with Greg Rucka’s work on Renee in Gotham Central ...
As Oliver Queen is forced to ask tough questions about the origins of the ... It may well be the last comic you enjoy as free-willed humans! LOLtron is positively giddy at the thought of you ...