Popularized by renowned futurist Ray Kurzweil, this concept suggests that humanity is approaching a pivotal moment when our ability to extend life will outpace the aging process itself.
Kurzweil told a keynote audience at last week's SCO6 supercomputing conference that nanobots will roam our blood streams fixing diseased or aging organs, while computers will back up our human ...
Ray Kurzweil, who is 76 ... We envision the possibility of broadening human potential by overcoming aging, cognitive shortcomings, involuntary suffering, and our confinement to planet Earth.” ...
While a mythological anti-aging elixir has yet to materialize ... “Ultimately, we won’t need to test [medicine] on humans,” AI pioneer Ray Kurzweil said in an interview in 2022, per Eliot.
People are waiting for the day when artificial intelligence can pass as a human, and with Google and author Ray Kurzweil teaming up to create a human-like chatbot, that day could be around 2029.