Heavy rains which caused widespread flooding in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul have left hundreds of towns under water. At least 85 people died in the floods and about 150,000 ...
Officials say another 60 people are missing in Rio Grande do Sul state. About 15,000 residents have fled their homes since Saturday. At least 500,000 people are without power and clean water ...
In the southernmost tip of Brazil, the state of Rio Grande do Sul is investing in the evolution of its technology scene and positioning itself as the first point of entry for international ...
Três pessoas morreram após comer um bolo em Torres, no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul. Duas morreram nesta terça-feira (24) e a outra na segunda (23), quando o doce foi ingerido.
Após enfrentar a pior enchente já registrada no Rio Grande do Sul e ver a vida virar de cabeça pra baixo com a tragédia climática, Michele Olbermann, moradora de Cruzeiro do Sul, no Vale do ...