Visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus during the fourth annual Santa’s Cookie Crew hosted by High Desert Boss Moms. The event is from 1:30 to 6 p.m. on Dec. 15, at Victor Valley Christian Church ...
where every child got to sit on Santa's lap and receive a wrapped gift, but also face-painting, an indoor snowball fight, cuddly dogs provided by Animal Samaritans of the Desert for petting ...
The air of the Santa Ana winds is unusually dry because it originates in the desert environment of the Great Basin. And although it can begin cool for the same reason, it often warms as it becomes ...
Santa Ana winds can bring disruptive impacts to daily life in Los Angeles and parts of southern California, but when coupled ...
The event includes a visit by Santa, treats, entertainment and vendors. The Christmas season is upon us, and the holiday event lineup in the High Desert and mountain communities includes parades ...