The exclusive run of the 102-minute docu, which premiered in February 2023 at the Berlin Film Festival, is a major feat for the film, which chronicles the 1990s siege of Sarajevo during the ...
April 6 marks 20 years since the start of the siege of Sarajevo, a 44-month blockade of the city by Bosnian Serb forces. All of Bosnia was ravaged by the war, but it was the siege of its capital ...
Le siège de Sarajevo est le plus long siège de l'histoire de la guerre moderne. Il a duré du 5 avril 1992 jusqu'au 29 février 1996 et a opposé les forces de la Bosnie-Herzégovine ...
Paul Lowe, a celebrated photojournalist best known for his powerful images documenting the Siege of Sarajevo, has died at the ...
Welcome to a city without water, a city without electricity, a city without food, a city without medicine. Welcome to Sarajevo...(Fonte: AgenSIR - News archiviata in #TeleradioNews ♥ il tuo sito web © ...
François Léotard : Nous pouvons être satisfaits. Nous avions un objectif précis, limité, à Sarajevo, avec des conditions que nous avions fixées et qui, à l'heure qu'il est, sont réalisées. Mais ce ...