House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) confirmed that lawmakers are closing in on the “roughly” $1 trillion target but ...
Republicans will attempt a tax and spending bill that will not require substantial budget cuts, but there may be serious math ...
Republicans in the Senate are looking to push for a vote on a reconciliation bill plan next week, getting out ahead of the ...
Almost exactly one year after Congress swore off self-inflicted fiscal crises, we're back to the same tired theatrics.
Whichever version they choose, Republicans would use the arcane reconciliation process, which allows the Senate to pass a bill with only 50 votes, instead of the 60 which frequently is required.
Even under unified GOP control, House conservatives have ... with White House plans to quickly pass a massive pandemic-era stimulus bill, followed by a bigger domestic policy swing.
It appears they are prepared to do so at the expense of the poor and middle class, by yanking health care coverage from ...
“These are issues of core concern.” The stimulus bill passed last week in the House with no Republican support, and prospects for GOP backing in the Senate also appear bleak. Republicans say ...
Most observers feel the prospect of a wolf delisting bill passing in this session of Congress is better than in the last since Republicans now have control in the House and Senate and Republican ...
Republicans offered up more than two dozen amendments in a futile attempt to blunt what they consider the excesses of the bill. Rep. Travis Couture, R-Allyn, offered an amendment to limit the term ...
Steve Huffman, a Tipp City Republican. “It’s to work around the edges to make it better.” Democrats, however, read Senate Bill 56 as “a mixed bag.” “There is definitely bipartisan ...