Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise, beyond their luxurious personal lives filled with extravagant homes and exclusive cars, never imagined the success of the movie 'Rain Man', winner of four Academy ...
Tom Cruise has starred in equally successful commercial and independent projects, but there was one film that nobody knew how ...
As of 2024, Tom Cruise has been in a relationship three times - with actresses Katie Holmes, Nicole Kidman, and Mimi Rogers.
Tom Cruise (born July 3 ... His other major films include "Rain Man" (1988), "A Few Good Men" (1992), "Interview With the Vampire" (1994), "Minority Report" (2002) and "War of the Worlds ...
Tom Cruise is one of today’s most sought out ... Cruise was also in “The Color of Money,” “Cocktail,” “Rain Man,” “Born on the Fourth of July,” “Days of Thunder” and ...