This course introduces students to the intersection of urban geography and the geography of globalisation, with the aim of understanding key references in academic debates, and their relevance for ...
This resource provides a brief introduction to writing in the field of Geography and Urban Planning through the lens of threshold concepts. Geography integrates the study of people, places, and ...
Advanced coursework often looks at specific systems, such as urban geography, or topics like conservation. Many programs also have a required internship or research component for students to gain ...
BA in Urban and Regional Planning BA in Geography and Sustainable Development Geographic Information Science Certificate Minors in Geography and Urban and Regional Analysis MA in Geography and ...
This programme offers the chance to undertake a substantial piece of work that is worthy of publication and which makes an original contribution to the field of Human Geography and Urban Studies.
Urban areas are growing rapidly. They can cause a range of opportunities and challenges. Urban planning is important to ensure that the opportunities are maximised and the challenges are minimised ...
The PhD in Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies deepens your understanding of how humans interact with the world around them, examining the socio-cultural and environmental dimensions of human ...
Suitable for teaching geography at KS2 in England ... Includes arable, pastoral and mixed farming and examples of rural and urban farms. UK settlements and navigating using maps.
The MSc in Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies looks at how today's environment is physically, politically and economically constructed. Human activity has caused unprecedented levels of ...