Life as a slave in ancient Rome was usually very hard. They worked in mines and on farms, and many worked in houses where they cleaned and served food. Compared to other slaves, Josephus here has ...
Slavery had a long history in the ancient world and was practiced in Ancient Egypt and Greece, as well as Rome. Most slaves during the Roman Empire were foreigners and, unlike in modern times ...
A collection of animated videos exploring the Roman Empire, with a focus on the Roman invasion and settlement of Britain. Exploring the government of Ancient Rome and how the republic became an ...
Ancient Rome was a man’s world ... If they angered him, he had the legal right to disown his children, sell them into slavery or even kill them. Only the paterfamilias could own property ...
SUMMARY Slavery was integral to Roman society, and slaves outnumbered citizens in Rome. There were many routes to slavery, including as prisoners of war, selling oneself into slavery, or being born a ...