Soviet scientists embarked on an ambitious quest to dig into the Earth's crust, creating the world-renowned Kola Superdeep ...
Evidence of Primordial Black Holes May Be Hiding in Planets, or Even Everyday Objects Here on Earth Dec. 2 ... Observatory to show there's new knotty science to discover around black ...
Marcus Chown’s “A Crack in Everything” is a journey through space and time with the people studying one of the most enigmatic ...
A supermassive black hole has been discovered by astronomers that's shooting a giant energy beam directly at Earth.
After decades of study, scientists sound genuinely optimistic about the possibility of detecting primordial black holes, which might explain dark matter.
Supermassive black holes with powerful jets of high-energy particles, pointing directly at Earth are called blazars.
Astronomers have detected the most ancient blazar ever observed, originating from the early universe and emitting a beam of ...