Why now? The cost of inaction on human capital development is going up. Without human capital, countries cannot sustain economic growth, will not have a workforce that is prepared for the more ...
Despite the commitment of the Nigerian government to improve the human capital of its citizens, the performance metrics of ...
and leadership development impact both productivity, expense control, and profitability, and allow for a valid and reliable measure of return on human capital investment as a driver of sustainability.
Jeff Ptak: I wanted to talk about human capital and liabilities, a concept that’s very much central to the overall framework that you present in the book. Paul, for this one, I’ll turn to you.
Development also lies in the development of our human capital. We will be relying on you for support.” In his remarks, the PHCCIMA President, Eze Mike Elechi, noted that the PHCCIMA was the ...
Consider human capital metrics in the context of performance ... Increasingly, boards focus on talent management and development, skill gaps, pay and career equity, and/or employee wellbeing ...
By Kenneth Mullinax Alabama State University Alabama State University alumnus, Larry K. Mack was recently named director of ...
The World Bank Group supports India’s development of human capital with a stronger focus on improving the quality of services while continuing to support efforts to ensure access to key services. The ...
The Managing Human Capital course has been specifically designed to teach ... As such, at its core, this course is intended to sharpen three capabilities: people development; people management; and ...
Goujon, Anne, et al. 2016. “A Harmonized Dataset on Global Educational Attainment between 1970 and 2060—An Analytical Window into Recent Trends and Future Prospects in Human Capital Development.” ...