A mostly 3D printed wind vane is printed with the base attached to a ball bearing and magnet so that the four hall sensors positioned in a “plus” configuration at the base can detect direction.
and for wind speed and direction the choice is usually a simple cup anemometer and wind vane. For [Jianjia Ma]’s QingStation, he decided to build another type of wind sensor: An ultrasonic ...
Take the vane outside or to a simulated windy weather area and watch it swing in the wind. Finally, use your compass to determine East, West, North and South, and then label the small triangles ...
Two cameras mounted on tripods with wind vane attachments were positioned about 50 feet apart along an axis of 45 degrees to the direction of the wind Both cameras were free to pan through 360 ...
Debris and insect meshes help keep the instrument clean. Cup anemometer with separate wind vane - Uses three cups to measure wind speed, while a wind vane measures wind direction. The vane always ...