A seemingly perfect neighbor hides a dark secret. A random tip leads to a police investigation uncovering her criminal ...
telling the cameras that he was a 'wolf in sheep's clothing', and to not let his kind and amiable demeanor fool people into thinking he wasn't aggressive or didn't have the killer mentality needed ...
With all due respect to the late Sen. William Roth from Delaware, the Roth IRA, and now the Roth 401(k), are among the worst ideas foisted upon the American taxpayer since the idea of paying your ...
A letter addressed to Minnesota House Speaker Kurt Zellers I have vetoed and am returning Chapter 167, House File 2738. It would amend the Minnesota Constitution, to require picture identification ...
Riley Gaines recently reacted to a female pastor who criticized the current President Donald Trump for 'scaring' the trans individuals and immigrants. Trump recently passed an executive order ...