Studies have shown that utility trenching can have a detrimental effect on both the surface condition and the underlying structure of highways, thereby shortening their service lives. In the UK, there ...
For the last ten years an annual correlation trial for Falling Weight Deflectometers (FWDs) has been held in the UK. The objective of the trial is to assess the performance of all FWDs (including ...
TRL is partnering with University Hospital Southampton to reduce road deaths by linking health records and road traffic collision data for the first time. The partners have been awarded £500,000 in ...
TRL has produced a technical research paper commissioned by the Department for Transport (DfT) to support the development of regulations for e-scooters in the UK. The report, co-authored by WMG at the ...
Sadly what is true for individual humans is true for the things they try to do together: organisations can find it very difficult to change the way they operate, too. In fact whole sectors of our ...
In transport, too, the power of the healthy choice is over-rated. For most of human history, for most people, the only way to get around was to walk. Evolution delivers the most efficient and ...
The Department for Transport and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister commissioned WSP, TRL, Llewelyn Davies Yeang and Phil Jones Associates to develop the Manual for Streets (MfS), which ...
Author: TRL: Annabel Knightley, Alice Holcombe, Bharti Gupta, George Beard, Jack Hitchings, Joe Forrest. RiDC: Eric Harris, Hayley Dawson, Indigo Ayling, Naomi Care This report is a supplement to the ...
In England, Local Authorities provide network-level Road Condition Monitoring (RCM) data to the Department for Transport each year, so that the DfT can publish annual official statistics for road ...
This report describes a study for DETR Road Safety Division to suggest a set of accident-remedial intervention levels for use on rural roads (ie those with speed limits greater than or equal to 50 ...
Pedal misapplication is when a driver applies the wrong pedal of a vehicle, for example: accelerating instead of braking. When followed by the inability to regain control this can result in collisions ...
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