From stargazing to thrill-seeking or exploring cultural connections, the travel experiences we crave and the destinations we look to are always evolving. According to’s annual Travel ...
Grocery stores are having a moment on social media as they are fast becoming the must visit attraction for travelers. ‘Shelf ...
「すべての人に、世界をより身近に体験できる自由を」を企業理念に、多種多様な宿泊施設や旅ナカ体験、旅行中のシームレスな移動手段を提供する世界最大級の宿泊予約サイト Booking.comは ...
In APAC, multigenerational households are 43% more common than the global average. This cultural emphasis on extended family living significantly influences how families approach travel as well, with ...
<Z世代の旅行者の最新動向主な結果> 51%(日本の旅行者:29%)が、「『観光地』ではなく、『人里離れた穴場スポット』に関して、AIによるオススメを信頼する」** 63%(日本の旅行者:61 ...
There’s an ongoing strong demand for holiday homes this summer, with 75% of Australians (the equivalent of 14.9 million people) saying they intend to choose this accommodation type when taking a ...
57 % des non-Franciliens ont déclaré que les événements sportifs de l’été leur ont donné envie de voyager à travers la France. 25 % des non-Franciliens ont indiqué s’être spécialement déplacés dans ...
With a renewed sense of travel optimism on the horizon, almost half (46%) of people around the world believe that 2023 is the year to throw themselves into new travel experiences. And the good news is ...
Almost two-thirds (62%) of families rank spending quality time as the main motivator for traveling this year, followed by finding the time to properly relax (58%), and discovering new places (48%).* ...
Reaffirming’s commitment to showcase more sustainable travel options to all of its customers, and to help support accommodation partners on actions they can take to operate more ... is one of the world’s leading online travel platforms, connecting travelers with the widest choice of incredible places to stay, countless memorable experiences and attractions as well as ...
Muitos brasileiros esperam ansiosamente pela chegada da estação mais quente do ano. Não à toa, mais de nove a cada dez (94%) turistas do país irão viajar no próximo verão, com 60% afirmando que … Ler ...