Robert Stern talks with AmirAli Maleki about philosophy in general, and Kant and Hegel in particular. Robert Stern FBA (1962-2024) was a British philosopher who served as a professor of philosophy at ...
David Howard on restoring balance to an unstable world. Is it still possible for us to live a good life while avoiding climate catastrophe? How could society be organised to create the conditions for ...
Massimo Pigliucci organizes his library. Have you ever read modern technical books in philosophy? If so, you might have noticed that, broadly speaking, they fall into two categories: treatises on a ...
‘More songs about Buildings and Food’ was the title of a 1978 album by the rock band Talking Heads. It was about all the things rock stars normally don’t sing about. Pop songs are usually about ...
Ignacio Gonzalez-Martinez has a flash of inspiration about the role metaphors play in creative thought. The equivalence between Richard Feynman’s and Julian Schwinger’s distinct formulations of ...
There are a couple of solid reasons to doubt that parents are justified in lying to their children. The first is one many philosophy students learn about when they study what’s known as the ethics of ...
Last days of Plato revealed in new scroll • Philosophy dept chair arrested at protest • No future for Future of Humanity Institute — News reports by Anja Steinbauer The combination of a 2,000 year old ...
Richard Snowden-Leak wants to know what the perfect burger tastes like. Imagine a burger so delicious its very recipe is the cause of a feud between two former friends; a burger so enthralling that a ...
Richard Garner says it’s about time we got rid of it. Free thinkers and skeptics throughout history have entertained the suspicion that morality is a mistake, a scam, a fiction that we make up; but ...
Peter Benson explains why Hegel was obsessed with the number three. One of the best known popularizers of philosophy in Britain is Bryan Magee. Many people will fondly recall his illuminating series ...
Bob Harrison questions his identity. Hello, you, this is me – and that’s him. But what are you? And what am I? And what is he? Three questions, and in each case the answer is philosophically ...
The following philosophical forecasts of our fate each win an unforeseeable book. From the onset of the Industrial Revolution, human progress has been unprecedented in its sheer speed and scale.