This project is supported by "Project to Promote Large Scientific Frontiers" of MEXT.
August (8/08-8/24) Early part: g, r2, i2, z, NB497, NB506 Latter part: g, r2, i2, z, NB816, NB872 September (9/06-9/14) Early part: g, r2, i2, z, NB816, EB-gri Latter ...
すばる望遠鏡に、特殊な「複眼」が新たに装備されました。約 2400 個に及ぶ「目」を、広大なすばる望遠鏡の主焦点の視野に散りばめ、多数の天体からやって来た光を同時にプリズムで捉え ...
Prime Focus Spectrograph on the Subaru Telescope to Begin Science Operations in February ...
Researchers have finished equipping the Subaru Telescope with a new special "compound eye" culminating several years of effort. This new eye is an instrument featuring approximately 2,400 prisms ...
説明 : 衝突・合体銀河の形は実に多様で、身近な動物や物の形に似ている銀河もあります。すばるギャラリーにも、超広視野主焦点カメラ ハイパー・シュプリーム・カム(HSC)が捉えた ...
NGC 474 is more than twice the size of the Milky Way Galaxy, which has a 100,000 light-year diameter stellar disk. Although it is classified as an elliptical galaxy which is typically smooth and ...
This meeting will be held in a hybrid format (Mitaka + zoom). The on-site meeting place is the Large Seminar Room on the 1st floor of the Subaru building at the Mitaka campus of NAOJ. It is expected ...
Detail : The shapes of interacting and merging galaxies are incredibly diverse; some look like animals and everyday objects. In the Subaru Gallery, you can see galaxies captured by Hyper Suprime-Cam ...
自然科学研究機構国立天文台ハワイ観測所が運用する 口径 8.2 メートルの光学赤外線望遠鏡です。
Invention of telescopes has led to historic breakthroughs in astronomy The first telescope was invented by a Dutch optitian in 1608, which later enabled closer observations of celestial bodies than ...
This project is supported by "Project to Promote Large Scientific Frontiers" of MEXT.