Title: Bluey and Bingo's Christmas Cookbook Author: Bluey Illustrator: BBC Publisher: Penguin, $ 19.99 Publication Date: 8 ...
Mr Santa, want to hear me play? Do the reindeer talk? And can I ride your sleigh? Even before you open the cover, this book ...
Clementine is excited by all the activity in the house. It is Christmas Eve. The family is gathered to share the joy and love ...
As the world seems to grow more confining and life more confounding, we here at KBR take a moment to ponder, as always, the ...
Over or Under? by Pip Harry and Hilary Jean Tapper is a distinctly Australian story, from the landscape to the scenarios.
There is a Place… . That’s how each stunning entry is introduced as we set out on our journey to explore the wonders of our ...
The Completely Chaotic Christmas of Lottie Brooks is one of a bestselling series, penned and illustrated with amusing stick ...
Acclaimed Australian author John Marsden has died, age 74. John had a remarkable impact on young readers in Australia and globally. From his first novel, So Much to Tell You, the best-selling young ...