Read in full the official comments by John Swinney, SNP leader and First Minister of Scotland, on the death of Alex Salmond.
Ireland's budget shows up the stark difference between a bright, independent future in Europe and more misery under ...
We've got what it takes - to create jobs, to create growth, and to create a more prosperous Scotland. What we need is the powers of independence, to realise Scotland's full potential.
We've got what it takes - to create jobs, to create growth, and to create a more prosperous Scotland. What we need is the powers of independence, to realise Scotland's full potential.
We all want rid of this rotten Tory government and their cruel, incompetent policies. SNP MPs will ensure a Labour one doesn’t give us more of the same. We've got what it takes - to create jobs, to ...
1 in 6 people in the UK live in poverty – a damning indictment of Westminster’s inaction and the broken status quo.