Learn more about the most popular products on store shelves and what the science says about their nutrient content and safety profiles. The USDA estimates that the average American consumes more than ...
The Physical Activity Alliance, the nation’s largest national coalition dedicated to advancing regular participation in physical activity, released the 2024 United States Report Card on Physical ...
For their analysis, the researchers used data from the 2003–2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a nationally representative annual survey of more than 34,000 adults over 20 ...
In the VR setting, participants reporting positive emotions perceived stronger aromas. For example, almond and vinegar became more intense when participants were happy or experienced a positive ...
The typical way Americans eat—otherwise known as the Western diet—has been associated with numerous health risks, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity—and now you can add one more ...
Experts examine whether alternative approaches can cure the disease or at least send it into remission. John couldn’t seem to quench his thirst no matter how much water he drank. With his wife’s ...
It used to be that you had a few choices of cooking oils on supermarket shelves, such as corn oil, soybean oil, and canola oil—all clear, pale, odorless, and tasteless. Then along came the popularity ...
Q: My clients have been asking me about the health benefits of chocolate. What are some of the differences among milk, dark, and white chocolate? A: Chocolate is derived from the fruit pods of the ...
Today's Dietitian is doing its part to push the fiber intake of Americans with its fabulous list of the highest fiber foods people should be eating today. Many areas of nutrition tend to elicit ...
When the topic of canned food arises, people are sometimes surprised that a trained chef would use anything in a can. Well, I’ve got a surprise for them: Most chefs use canned products in one form or ...
Dietary fiber consists of nondigestible carbohydrates and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants. Functional fibers are isolated, nondigestible carbohydrates that have beneficial effects.
It may be the main culprit of poor health outcomes in overweight and obese clients. Are antiobesity attitudes contributing to obesity-related health problems? It's no secret that weight bias is ...