University Drive, alongside Alumni Lawn and the Fulton Center, will be restricted to one eastbound lane and one westbound ...
Alabama State University (ASU) proudly announces the launch of the Global Campus, the University’s dedicated online unit ...
College Republicans United shared an event encouraging students to report their peers to U.S. Immigration and Customs ...
More than 500 students showed up at ASU’s Tempe campus to express their opposition, showing up in waves to support “Dreamers, ...
Hundreds of ASU students march to support undocumented classmates after campus club urges reporting them to immigration ...
A conservative student group with ties to white supremacists set up a table at ASU’s Tempe campus encouraging students to ...
“Reporting crimes is not only a civic duty but also a fundamental for maintaining public safety and the rule of law,” the ...
An ASU Republican group is urging students to report suspected undocumented migrant peers to Immigrations and Customs ...
In a statement two days after the event was announced, ASU said it disagreed with the event but would protect free speech.
The ASU chapter of “College Republicans United” is encouraging students to turn in classmates if they think they are in the country illegally.
For years, the city's ASU campus hosted the Lake Havasu Unified School District's elementary school annual math competition.
The ASU report’s findings are based on spending by visitors and students, business-to-business transactions and employee spending in the state.