A Japanese musical adaptation of the hit manga and anime franchise “Sailor Moon” will launch a North American tour this spring, playing nearly 20 cities on a route that begins in Pittsburgh in ...
The tattoo artist talked her out of the Trump tattoo, and instead she got an American flag tattooed on her arm. The tattoo sparked a debate online about how young is too young for tattooing minors.
The "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live" musical has announced a North American tour with 18 stops across the U.S. The ‘2.5D musical sensation’ will stop in Dallas on April 1 at the ...
Just like his tattoos, Jason Lawyer’s past as a traditional tattoo artist is full of color. From opening a massive shop with Zac Brown from the Zac Brown Band in Georgia to competing on the T ...
According to the tattoo artist, the girl got an American flag tattoo on her arm at Black Onyx Empire Tattoo in Yuma, Arizona when she was 9, and she recently came in for a touch up at age 10. She was ...
A Japanese musical adaptation of the hit manga and anime franchise “Sailor Moon” will launch a North American tour this spring, playing nearly 20 cities on a route that begins in Pittsburgh in March ...
According to the tattoo artist, the girl got an American flag tattoo on her arm at Black Onyx Empire Tattoo in Yuma, Arizona when she was 9, and she recently came in for a touch up at age 10.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live, the 2.5D musical sensation based on the popular manga (comic book), will launch a North American tour this March with technical rehearsals and previews ...
Jim Sharpe breaks down the story of a 9-year-old receiving an American flag tattoo in Arizona during his Sharper Point commentary. Do Trump and Biden’s pardons suggest they prioritize their ...