CJ McAfee and McAfee Land & Cattle Company, both of Weatherford, are new members of the American Angus Association.
The report from this week’s Hallworthy Livestock Market. A smaller entry of Cattle this week saw a lot of younger Cattle forward around 10-18 months. SJ Crago of Par saw his 18 month homebred Limousin ...
A strong demand for all types of stock saw steers sell to £2450 800kg Aberdeen Angus (306.00). While heifers peaked at £2160 for a 700kg Belgian Blue (309.00). Fat cows sold to £2150 695kg Charolais ...
A modular steel bridge has been installed on Craigo Road in the village of Craigo near Montrose during a Network Rail project ...
A super entry of 500 calves and weanlings on Thursday 23rd January at Kilrea Mart met with an outstanding trade for all types on offer.