The Lubbock County Sheriff's Office is asking county residents for info about a dog that bit a person on Thursday afternoon.
"Welcome to Ginger Cat, a place for animal lovers who care about their well-being. Catch us on Wild Wonders as we work to ...
We do, and we help people make it super cute. Like, go out and buy a carrier, a litter box, a collar, like, get all kinds of stuff to put under the tree and then a gift certificate for an animal a ...
If you ask the Starkeys of Napa how many animals their nonprofit Bleating Hearts Farm and Sanctuary has helped since they ...
The Kent County Animal Shelter is moving to a temporary location in January and is asking for people to foster or adopt ...
The Lincoln Police have discovered a dead dog dumped at Barney's Pond on Smithfield Avenue, and authorities are asking the ...
News' Isabel Flores spoke to the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals and learned more about why animal shelters are so crucial to ...
Animal Control Deputies continue to follow up and investigate this incident. They ask anyone with any information to contact the Lubbock County Sheriff's Office Civil Division at 806-775-1492 and ...