The fate of EcoVivarium, a reptile sanctuary and museum in Escondido, hangs in the balance as rising costs make it difficult to accommodate an influx of animals. The business owners say they're ...
We are a nonprofit and we depend solely on the kindness of people from the bottom of their heart to give us donations so we can fund the best care that our staff can give,” one board member said.
Janel Hemrick and her volunteers spent this weekend nursing and vaccinating all 18 mixed-breed puppies that will be up for adoption in the next three to four weeks.
If you or someone you know needs help, please contact us at 317-221-1314 or #FIDOIndy #animalwelfare #PetSafety #ExtremeWeatherAlert #DogsofIndy Calls for animal control officers ...
Animal Control Deputies continue to follow up and investigate this incident. They ask anyone with any information to contact the Lubbock County Sheriff's Office Civil Division at 806-775-1492 and ...
WASHINGTON, Iowa (KCRG) - A Washington County animal shelter is asking the community for help after more than 2 ... we depend solely on the kindness of people from the bottom of their heart ...