The inferior colliculus (IC) is an important midbrain station ... Quality Check; RT, Room Temperature; SC, Superior Colliculus.
The inferior vena cava (also known as IVC or the posterior vena cava) is a large vein that carries ... It is the lower, or inferior, part of the vena cava—a large vein also made up of the superior ...
Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the United States and a critical natural resource, experienced its lowest water levels in a decade in 2024. According to the National Oceanic and ...
Usually, the peroneal artery makes up the difference in terms of blood supply. Rarely, both the anterior and posterior tibial arteries are absent and alternative pathways are needed for blood flow.
CagriSema-treated patients achieved superior weight loss compared with those who received cagrilintide 2.4mg, semaglutide 2.4mg or placebo. Topline data were announced from a phase 3 trial ...
Anyone who has dealt with ants in the kitchen knows that ants are highly social creatures; it's rare to see one alone. Humans are social creatures too, even if some of us enjoy solitude.