Szef MSWiA Tomasz Siemoniak spotkał się w Opolu z przedstawicielami administracji rządowej i samorządowej. Apelował o budowę schronów i miejsc ukrycia dla ludności cywilnej. Kwestie ...
Agencja pracuje nad informacją dla mnie - mówił minister spraw wewnętrznych i administracji Tomasz Siemoniak, odnosząc się do reportażu "Czarno na białym" w TVN24, w którym dziennikarze ...
Tomasz Siemoniak, minister spraw wewnętrznych i administracji, oraz szef Policji Marek Boroń spotkali się z organizatorem Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy Jerzym Owsiakiem, by omówić kwestie ...
Atlanta — Dr. Meredith Evans was just 4 years old when she wrote a letter to President Jimmy Carter. "Dear Jimmy's some money to help you be president," Evans wrote at the time ...
Robert F. Kennedy; Ash Carter, a former secretary of defense; and Fannie Lou Hamer, who founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and laid the groundwork for the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
“A scientist turned Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter was a true patriot,” the White House said in a statement read at Saturday’s ceremony. “His integrity and mentorship inspired a ...
Chip Carter delivered a heartfelt eulogy at the Carter Center, celebrating the life and legacy of his father, former President Jimmy Carter, highlighting his impact and values. He shared personal ...
Former President Jimmy Carter’s nearly week-long public farewell began Saturday in the tiny Georgia town where he launched the political career that took him to the White House. The 39th ...
The state funeral for former President Jimmy Carter begins Saturday and will last until Thursday as America pays respect to the 39th U.S. president who passed away last Sunday at 100 years old.
The Carter Center, founded by former President Jimmy Carter, continues to focus on challenging global issues, particularly peace and human rights. The Center prioritizes addressing difficult ...
Saira Mueller is the interim culture editor at Polygon. She is fascinated by health and technology and has written about it for CNN, Wired, Mashable, and Self. One of those people is Trevor Wagner ...
Nie będę pobierać wynagrodzenia jako poseł - powiedział. Minister MSWiA Tomasz Siemoniak skomentował sprawę na antenie TVN24. Siemoniak stwierdził, że Romanowski stał się "liderem PiS-u".